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Jewellery and pearls

The jeweller’s shops in Mallorca are famous because behind every piece there is the professional work done in the workshop and fairs and the determination to bring out the best of each piece in order to offer what the customer wants. Artificial pearls have brought international fame to Mallorca. They are part of the structure in which creation has given life to shape and distinction to colour. They have done so with patience, delicacy, design and the reward for things well done.

The first artificial pearl factory was founded by the German industrialist Eduard Frederic Hug Heusch in 1897 in Manacor (Mallorca). The perfect pearl is not attained by chance. Years of research and development and many hours of craftsmanship have been the major contributing factors to the international reputation of Mallorcan pearls. Pearls can be bought in the jeweler’s shops found all over the island. They offer original, fresh collections, ranging from the classic pearl necklace to articles for young people or accessories for those who want to personalize their elegance. The catalogue of Mallorcan pearls and jewels features around 10,000 different pearl sets and other jewels. Peals still preserve their characteristic style and elegance.

Mallorcan jewellery is sold in a wide range of shops and workshops. There you can buy gold and silver jewels that are typical of Mallorca, like the “cordón mallorquín”. It is a thick silver or gold chain with a twisted shape and a Mallorcan cross (a Greek cross inside a rhombus) hanging from it. You can buy the set as a necklace or bracelet. “Semanario” rings are typical Mallorcan jewels that are traditionally given by godmothers to their goddaughters. They give them seven rings, one for each day of the week (“semanario” comes from “semana”, which means week in Spanish). The beauty of the piece resides in the simplicity of the gold and silver rings. If you want to see traditional Mallorcan jewellery, just go for a walk around the shops located in the old Jewish quarters of Palma. In the past the area earned its living from making and trading jewels. Some of Palma’s jeweler’s shops are more than a century old. As well as working with the most prestigious brands, they have become famous for their designs and for maintaining the essence of the family business.